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Tea Towel Project FAQ


We have gathered together as many of the questions (and answers!) we receive about our tea towel project below.  If the answer to your question is not found below then please get in touch so we can help answer any remaining questions.

Q. How many portraits can be fitted on a single tea towel?

We would recommend no more than around 90 portraits on a single tea towel although 30-60 is probably more comfortable.  The more portraits there are on a single towel the smaller each resulting drawing will be, this can mean than some drawings (if small) and/or names are not completely visible.  However because we do not price our tea towels “by design”, and we do not have any minimum order quantities for a “given design” and we do all the work of laying out each “design” you can more easily have separate designs for each class or year group if you wish.  This means parents will get tea towels with an overall smaller number of self portraits BUT they are more likely to be portraits of the children they know most well because they share a class or year group with their own child.

Q. What price do other school’s charge for the tea towels?

The price school’s charge does vary by geographical location, the PTAs target for profits and the perceived parental affluence.  We would suggest something around £6-£7 would be fairly average and means a solid profit for the school/PTA.

Q. How does your artwork process work, I don’t want to stick all my children’s self portraits to a larger sheet myself (it’s a nightmare!).

Our artwork process is incredibly simple and streamlined.  We supply you with pre-printed “drawing templates” onto which the children draw their self portraits and their name/class and their “group” (which signifies which other children will be on their tea towels.  This could be “class groups”, “year groups” or a whole school – all depending on numbers and how you want the towels to be organised).  The templates are then returned to us by post for us to scan into our systems and then we do all the design work of creating your tea towels.  No more cutting out child’s drawings and sticking them onto a larger sheet with a Prit-Stick if you choose us!

Q. What is your minimum order quantity?

WE DO NOT HAVE ONE.  The only constraint on project size is that we charge a delivery fee of £10 on school orders less than £200 (i.e. around 50 tea towels).

Q. How much do you charge for delivery?

We charge nothing for delivery for all orders over £200 (i.e. around 50 tea towels).  For smaller orders, under £200, we charge a £10 delivery fee to cover the cost of courier delivery.

Q. How long does it take to print the towels?

It takes us up to 2 weeks from the date your online shop closes to print and despatch your tea towels.

Q.  How do parents order?

Unlike most other providers of school tea towels our project is completely zero risk because you only pay for towels that parents have already purchased.  Key to this is our unique ONLINE ORDERING SYSTEM which means that parents can order through our online portal.  This means you do not need to worry about over (or under) ordering towels and you do not need to collect orders and payments from parents.  We handle all of that work for you.

Q. Can I have separate designs for each class or year group?

Yes you can and it doesn’t cost you any more than having a single design covering the entire school.  Also because our project is zero risk it doesn’t matter if one class sells more than any other.  All towels are priced at £4.00+VAT regardless.

Q. What does it mean that every child is the “star” of their tea towel?

Every parent will be given a unique code to order.  This means that when they buy a tea towel we know to put their child’s design (slightly larger) and central in the design of the tea towel.  This way, every child’s tea towel is unique to them and the parent purchasing gets to enjoy their child’s self portrait larger and central to the design.  We are the only supplier in the UK offering this unique tea towel design!

Q.  What colour will be used to print the tea towels?

All of our tea towels are printed full colour which means we will reproduce the colours used by the children when they draw their designs.  You don’t have the endure single colour designs anymore!