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Christmas Project - Be an Early Bird and save 5%

Every pound matters when you’re fundraising and we want you and your PTA to raise as much money as possible.  As you might expect, Christmas is an incredibly busy period for us as a company, so the more work we can get done earlier, the better.  To help incentivise our clients to run their Christmas projects earlier we offer a 5% discount for those schools who sign-up for our early bird offer ahead of the September term and who can deliver their drawings and orders to us to schedule.

How it works.....

After registering your account and creating your Christmas Project (if on, or before, Friday 6th September) you will be offered the opportunity to signup for the Early Bird Discount.  The early bird discount will require to you select (from the dates available) when you would like to receive your final products in school.  We can only allocate a certain number of schools to each date, so when the “slot” has been filled it will no longer be available.  The earlier in the year that you sign-up, the more choice of dates will be available.

What else do I have to do?

Your selected “delivery date” is that date by which you can expect to receive your final printed products at your school.  However to enable us to print your products for that date you will also need to:

  1. Have you online shop close by a specified closure date (this is typically set just over two weeks before your “delivery date”).
  2. Return your completed drawing templates by your “drawing template deadline date”, this is typically around 7 weeks before your “delivery date” but your exact deadline date will be specified in your online control panel.  This allows us enough time to scan your drawings, print your personalised order forms and have you distribute them to parents and for them to place orders before the shop closes.

Please remember.....

These deadlines are not intended to “pile on the pressure” to get everything done.  They are there because to offer a target “delivery date” we need for your online shop to close (or your bulk online order to be placed) with enough time to print your products.  Similarly to be able to print your personalised order forms from your drawings and meet your required shop closure date we need your drawings back sufficiently early.

What happens if I miss my deadline to return the drawings to you?

Sometimes it will just not be possible to return the drawings ahead of the deadline.  It doesn’t mean you cannot take part in the project, it just means that you will not qualify for the 5% discount on your order.  Please continue to return your drawings in the normal way.

What if I'm missing a handful drawings?

Please return the drawings you do have.  So long as you are returning the vast majority of your drawings (i.e. 95% or more) then you will still qualify for the 5% discount, even if you return a few more drawings after the deadline has passed.