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(0)1296 340 057
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(0)1296 340 057
or try our Live Chat
If your parents are at the point of placing orders then this is the section for you. We have tried to answer as many questions as possible that you might have during this stage of your project.
However if the answer to your question is not here then please get in touch either by email, telephone or Web Chat so we can help with your query.
Your online shop will be open from the moment that we despatch your personalised order forms to you. At this stage, the parents can then order the products they want and pay the school for these. We collect all payments on your behalf whilst parents are ordering.
If you have a parent who has lost their order form then you can either download a “Copy Order Form” from your online control panel and then either print it out or email it to you.
If you are running an online project then you can view all of your children’s PIN codes from your account, so you could just send them their child’s PIN code.
If you are running an online project then you can view all of your children’s PIN codes from your account, so you could just send them their child’s PIN code.
You can even download the complete list of PIN codes either as a PDF or a CSV file.
Yes. If you navigate to your online control panel then you can view all of your online orders as they come in. You will be able to see who has placed an order and which items they have ordered.
Yes. If you navigate to your online control panel you will be able to view a “Profit Summary” which will show you your current profit on your profit as orders come in.
You can view a complete listing of all of your online orders from your control panel.
The deadline for the closure of your online shop will have been set when you completed your project setup. At the date of your shop closure, no more orders can be placed online by parents.
No payment is due to us. We have collected all the funds on your behalf so we will issue a fundraising payment to you.
Requesting information, prices, process, creating your project, pricing....
What's allowed, tips and tricks, sending back your drawings, adding artwork to your project...
Project Setup, lost order forms, name and class changes, scanning queries...
How parents place orders, viewing orders,
online ordering, Excel uploading....
Printing and delivery timescales, your order packaging, resolving problems with orders...
Invoices, payments, profits, summaries and all that jazz!
School Fundraising Limited (06502504). Registered Address :
26 Anglo Business Park, Smeaton Close, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP19 8UP.